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general – Brian Pauley My place in this world Sun, 23 Feb 2014 05:53:46 +0000 en-US hourly 1 My place in this world general – Brian Pauley false general – Brian Pauley podcast My place in this world general – Brian Pauley Memory Test for Mac Thu, 09 Jan 2014 14:11:30 +0000 I recently ran into a problem with a used mac mini I had purchased from a friend of mine.  He gave it to me fresh with Mountain Lion running on the machine, so the first thing I did was upgrade it to Mavericks.  Life was great until I started to put the system under a load and started using it.  Files I was downloading randomly began to get corrupted here and there.   At first I thought the computer was overheating causing the corruption since it seemed to take some time for it to happen.   Then I thought well maybe there was an issue with Mountain Lion and it just followed me into Mavericks, so I wiped it and started over.   Not too long after doing so I ran into the same issues.  Then it hit me it could be the ram.  I took one stick out and it ran great for a few minutes.  I thought well this stick is ok and there isn’t any problems here until my computer panic’d.  No major deal it does that every once in a blue moon.  I restarted the machine onto to find out it had some hard drive issues and needed a repair run on the disk.  I booted the machine into recovery mode only to find out even disk utility couldn’t repair the disk and I had to yet again re-install OSX another time.  I shut the machine down swapped ram with the one stick that I took out and got the job done this time everything went beautifully with no problems.  I was still curious as to if the ram was really bad or if it wasn’t just plugged in all the way.  Then after thinking about it I decided I wanted to know for sure so I set out to find myself a RAM tester for mac and found one.

MemTest for Mac is a free tool that does exactly what it says.

Download MemTest NOW [direct download link]

The file above is a zip file with an installer package.  The software installed memtest in /usr/bin.

Test Your Mac

So what do you need to do?  The process is simple.  Open a Terminal window and type the following:

memtest all

If you want to give it a very thorough test then you can specify the number of times you would like to run the test by typing the following:

memtest all 2

The test by itself will take anywhere from 15+ minutes to complete.  If the program crashes, or you see it erring out and failing tests it’s a good sign that you have a bad memory modules in there.

Good luck running your tests and verifying if you have a bad ram module and figuring out which one is the problem.

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Blogging 2.0 Wed, 08 Jan 2014 21:52:31 +0000 Well it’s that time of year that we start over with New Years Resolutions and I realize that I don’t blog like I should.  It’s not that I don’t have enough to say, it’s more or less been finding time to say it.  SO, that being said I will make this year of re-prioritization of my life.  Some of my goals are to read 5 books this year, work on friendships and invest more into friends, make more time for all of my ideas and start making them reality.  It’s time to take the ideas and goals and put them into action and work hard at making them second nature and changing things.  I have several website ideas that I’m working on constantly in my mind and most of them will require regular web updates, so here’s to a first of many posts.  Not that many people read this blog but hey there’s always a start hahaha!

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